Friday, December 13, 2013

Let it Snow!

"Well the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since there's no place to go.....
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!"

Well for one thing, the snow finally stayed! Now I can go skiing, have snowball fights, build snowmen, did I just say that out loud? Or type it for that matter? Well as you can see I am very excited about...Snow!! And now I finally get a chance to go skiing and do all that fun stuff!

So some of you must think I'm totally crazy for freaking out over snow like that, I can't help it if winter is one of my favorite seasons! (Little fun fact right there) Plus, honestly, the snow is just so beautiful, and where I live it creates opportunities. Art for one thing.

Well one more note on the subject of art. Considering where I live, I can't really talk about street-art without having all my pictures come from off the internet. So this is now all about outdoor art. I'm also more interested in it as well. Considering half of my blog has been made up of outdoor art anyhow. So pictures will mainly consist of scenery, and random pictures I find fascinating.

Well here's one for today based on my excitement!
Photo Credits to Me! (I promise better pictures in the future)

Ok so I saw the coolest thing today, and could kick myself for not having a camera or my phone. I was walking home from the bus when I saw the most pristine image. The mountains were coated in snow, the pine trees black specks blurring into patches, and the sky was a light gray, sun shining through the clouds. I glanced over at one of the mountains, a ski resort really, and saw the light hitting them perfectly. Beams highlighted the tips and seemed to creep over them into our surrounding neighborhood. Then my eyes took in a balloon flying perfectly in front of them, a deep royal purple catching and holding some of those rays. I literally froze at the sheer beauty of it all. Just try and picture it. Got the image? Probably not, I will try to take a picture of the mountains some other time so you can picture it.
Was darker, and transparent not opaque.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day

Two words:


Although honestly, our veterans hear that every day, especially today. Truthfully,  I bet it's the same thing over and over again. People saying thanks, just thanks. Never showing true displays of gratitude. Even if they tried, they couldn't give back to the veterans what the veterans gave up for us. When they come back home they have seen the true meaning of war, not glory and fighting for a country. The opposite of that, or at least I assume. We send our soldiers out there, telling them what they're fighting for, showing them movie clips of what they're fighting for, the politicians support and encourage them. Truly when they get out there, nothing is how we display it. They see instead starving families, poverty stricken countries, decimated land, and probably worse. When they arrive in these war-ruined countries they are no longer fighting for what they have been told to fight for. Fight for our politicians, president, people. Rather they are fighting for justice. They have truly entered the world when they step out on that field and give their lives just so that we may have ours. We "express" our gratitude, but truly we will never be able to thank them. They in a sense have "thanked" themselves, by giving us a country, and giving the world justice. It's like Abraham Lincoln said, all those years ago out in Gettysburg, "we can not dedicate –– we can not consecrate –– we can not hallow –– this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."(CreditsLincoln got it right the first time, the soldiers have already done what we cannot. The world will always remember their deeds, that's how they should be thanked. By being remembered.

Well for starters, we had an assembly on Friday, November 8th. We of course thanked the veterans, handed out patriotism awards, even awarded a few students for writing an essay or drawing a poster. It was the Patriotism Award. If I had known I would've of course entered, however I didn't. One veteran gave a presentation on what he did, and what some others have done. Five minutes before the bell rang students started to get up, conversing even though the veteran was still presenting his speech. Don't worry I didn't stand, I knew not too. As well as the fact that I wanted to hear his entire presentation and could afford to stay a little bit later than majority of the other students. I could tell, once we were dismissed, that the veterans were exasperated and just fed up with being there. They could see that some of the students didn't care, and that they have had to deal with this in the past. They were done with it, well at least that's how I perceived it. I tried to say thanks to a few as I walked out, but I doubt they heard over all the voices of idiotic 8th and 9th graders. Honestly, I'm ashamed to say that I went to that assembly, the disrespect that my fellow peers displayed was disgraceful. So if you're reading this and you go to my school, even if you were just doing what everyone was doing, know how disgraceful that was. It was just sad and pathetic. That you couldn't wait at least ten minutes to let a veteran finish his story, the veteran that put their life on the line so that you may have yours. Just try and let that sink in.

Maybe it just hits home for me. My grandfather on m mom's side was in the air-force, he fought for our country! I enjoy listening to his stories, and am proud to call him my grandfather! My dad's grandfather fought in the dutch resistance in WW II, along with my grandmother's brother. Both were taken by the Nazi's to concentration camps and eventually shot. I hear this story all the time, my parents make sure I take nothing for granted. I try not to, for I hear stories of a life where there isn't enough food to go around, not enough comfort.  I also grew up near Washington D.C, so maybe I also have a different perspective. As well as a higher standard. So I'm grateful.

So I did my own little part of contribution, I painted a sign and hung it up on a bridge over the main road. Unfortunately, I don't believe we used the right materials, so it may not have shown up as well as I had imagined. That greatly saddens me, but it the thought that counts. Right????

Anyway, what do I know? I'm just a privileged kid who grew up in D.C, moved to a ski town, and now gets to ski whenever I want. Just remember, I do care.

So Thank You to all the Veterans!!!!!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

A Note

Dearest readers,
You may seem mildly interested in the posts that I have published in the past. In my opinion they weren't the best posts, or my best writing for that matter either. So, well maybe this post will be different. Maybe it will be the post after this one that will be the game changer. Anyhow,  I'm still blogging I guess.

They are so many forms of art, that you really can't talk about every single one with the depth, detail, and devotion that they deserve. Well, this is my rendering of a few styles of art. Obviously I stated that I was going to talk about street art: graffiti, street musicians, street performers, etc. But sometimes I don't have the time to go and actually do all the research on the subject. So I apologize for that. There truly are just not enough hours in the day! Hopefully some of you can relate. This is a different type of art, weaving.

Well,  this evening I volunteered at a Navajo Rug show. When I got there I was amazed at all the beautiful pieces of art they displayed. It was inspiring to see the work that they did, necklaces, rugs, baskets, and much more. To know that they make their livelihood off of what they sell; as well as the fact that they sold it not for the price they thought it was, but for what they needed to continue living was astounding. Charging $100 for a rug just so they could change out a busted tire. Also knowing that some of these rugs could take them up to three years to make, wow! The intricate designs, different dies used, and the sheer size of each piece truly makes you appreciative of their work. Some of these people have been creating these items since age ten, and are still creating these amazing works of art to the age of 98! Truly amazing, they are true artists.

This is a picture of a bag I purchased. Really beautiful, it's almost as if the sunset has been caught in the threads.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Vandalism or Art?

Vandalism or Art?

This would be a subject heavily argued by some. Is street art vandalism? Or is it a new form of art? Art is always changing and taking on new forms. Only a few centuries ago a painting by Mark Rothko would be shunned, but it became famous art. So how do you determine if it is vandalism or not? Some say the criteria that the art encompasses may define it as vandalism; writing or drawing some accusing towards a shop or person. For those who live in America it can be considered freedom of speech. It is a way to express ourselves. We may be told go for a run, draw on paper, create your masterpiece on a canvas. Is that really expressing ourselves? 

For example, Banksy. You may not know of this artist, but here is one of his works. This image defines  the nature of street art in my opinion. Isn't that where street art all began, cave art? Others may argue no, but I say yes. For the caves were filled with people, all with different opinions(if we say they had different opinions). The image depicts the image being washed away, being cleaned up. The Great Hall of Bulls is famous, well I hope you know that. In Lascaux France the Cave of Bulls has become a symbol for the earliest art. In Banksy's picture it depicts cave art as the first street art or graffiti. If that is so, then isn't it vandalism? Well that's what the image seems to be depicting.

Photo Credits
Even in my quaint little town excitement still manages to blossom. This beautiful mural now has its own picture frame, so no damage can come to it. I feel as if this picture portrays where I live and the point I was trying to make previously. When this was up for only a short while one of the store owners proclaimed that it was vandalism. The store owner wanted to sue Banksy and wash away the mural. Fortunately not many agreed with him and the mural still stands gallantly on the wall. It was art and added a sense of completion to our little town.

Well thanks again to all my readers! I hope I haven't bored you too much with the subject I'm writing about!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fountain Art

Photo Credits Go to My Aunt!
Thank you!

        The wind was blowing through my hair, sending water droplets my way. The fountain chimed and sang beside me. I cradled the drawing book on my knees, letting my hands fly as I sketched. The image was just barely coming into form, bringing with it the contour lines of smokey graphite. It shed the multitude of eraser markings, soon to be replaced with something I strive to achieve. Art.
         The wind picks up, sending the pages whizzing and tearing the page from my book. I vault to my feet, running after my treasure. I clutch the other pages tightly in my hand, insistent on retaining all of them. The wind carries it further away from me, intent on its permanent thievery. It taunts me, letting the page fall delicately, then rising once more out of my reach. I lunge once, feeling the light page skim through my fingers. Abruptly it departs, leaving me with a sense of longing and frustration.
         I stumble down some stairs as the parchment flutters even further away, I at last end up sitting on the steps as I watch glide far from my sight. With my arms crossed I sigh in defeat, there was no way I would ever see that picture again. The picture had been half completed before the breeze decided to its prank. Standing from the cold granite steps, I begin to retrace my steps back to the fountain from which I came. My feet are sluggish, that painting had been one of my better ones that I had wanted to keep.
         Sitting back down near the fountain, I prepare to redo the painting once more. Glancing around at everyone sitting on the benches under the trees I am at peace. To find something so beautiful here in the middle of the city was rare indeed. A family walks up the path and through the trees that guarded the entrance of this venerated haven. The children run up and throw their coins filled with wishes into the clear water.
         A little girl leans over, brown curls falling around her face, and splashes her older brother. They couldn't be more than two years apart; the girl being six and the brother eight. He laughs and splashes her back, soon there is an all out water war going on. They run back and forth up the stretch of the white marble basin, grins of pure delight shining on their faces.

         Grinning I find new inspiration and begin to draw their water fight from across the way, glancing through the shimmering mists of water to glance their sanctuary of fun. My pencil seems to wheel about the page, rapidly giving light to the situation at hand. At last the outline is done, and then the colors come into play. The vibrant red of the girls shirt, the mellow green of the boys. Their chocolatey hair catching the fire of the sun in little strands. At last I am satisfied with the work, and will later add the finishing touches when I am home. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I whip my head around, causing my auburn hair to float briefly above my shoulders.
         A man with black hair and grey eyes smiles down at me. "I do believe this is yours." He hands me a slightly rumpled piece of paper. For a transient moment I don't know what it is, then my eyes take in the image. It was my illustration from earlier. I grin up at him. "Thank you! But I think I have a better one now." I hold up my notepad  and show him the picture of the two children engaged in their water fight. He grins at the new picture. "It looks amazing! You could get this displayed in galleries!" I blush slightly at his words. "I'm not that good, but thanks!" "Well it really captures the moment, good job." I nod slightly, wondering what the outcome of this conversation would be.
      "There's an art contest commencing soon, you should enter." I simply nod my head again. It sounded interesting, but I didn't really want to enter. "Maybe." I say shrugging my shoulders. "You should. It's a fundraiser for schools in Africa." He begins to walk away right as my interest has been caught. "And who knows-" He calls out, "-you may even be competing against me!"With that he turns left and disappears with a wave.

This story was encouraged by the first picture above. The girl in the picture is a statue if you didn't notice, and portrays a kind of essence of peace and creativity. This was taken at the heart of the city, and I just like to know that you can find serenity in even the most chaotic areas.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


This is my first post, pretty boring start right? Well I hope the rest of my blog isn't like that. What I hope to blog about is something that catches people's attention. First off many may ask why I am writing this blog, well for class honestly. However once I learned more about it, it actually started to sound like fun.
        Well that's a little bit of background history. Here's the real deal:
                             I'm going to be blogging about.......street art!

Well there are so many artists out there that will go & set up stands so people can come & have a self-portrait done. There are also people who paint themselves one certain color & pose like a statue for hours! There are also the artists that do chalk art, or play an instrument(and yes that is a form of art) Normally this is done to earn a little extra money, or fundraiser. I will be posting pictures, opinions, & maybe a fictional story to go along with the picture. As an addition I may be throwing in my own artwork as well.
      Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for more updates!

  Real quick, this is my first opinion, once more an intro. I found this picture online, don't worry not all of my posts are going to be found via internet! I chose this picture as a first entry. One, because I thought it looked amazing. Two because you actually catch the artist at work. I think that is important, because it shows you that people have a passion for this kind of thing. When an artist is in the middle of a project, nothing can disrupt them and they almost seem to have a peace with the world that is really hard to find anywhere else. They become part of the painting, and notice every detail and try to perfect it.

Another thing that calls to me about this picture is what he's drawing; a waterfall. He is giving the impression that there is a water fall right where you are walking. The impression that you could fall off at any given moment. It also gives the sense of a free spirit, at least to me. This just speaks to me in a way that makes me feel as if I'm on the peak of freedom. The waterfall is majestic, capturing beauty and relaying emotion. Freedom, serenity, majesty, and even adventure. Those are all the words that come to mind when I see this image.

There are multiple ways to view this picture, those are just a few of my views on it. To others it may just be another picture. It speaks to everyone in different ways. 
Stay tuned for further updates! Thank you!
Sorry one last important detail! People I would like to thank are:

Photo credits go to google images and