Friday, March 28, 2014

From Spring to Winter to Moose and Back to Spring

Ok, ok i'm sorry i'm doing another post about moose. Haha, yep, no i'm not. So I finally decided to get out and about and walk the town, see the world. And upon this venture, I discovered that even when it comes to construction, there are still moose! Left and right, right and left. Up, down, diagonal to diagonal. Even from Yes, to No.
Fabulous Shadow of Me Taking Pic
So, moose on construction fence. As well as a biker, and your typical PC Miner picks. You know, way back when mining was a thing. Yeah, that got way too mainstream for us. So we turned into a ski town.
Oh Look! Another One!
And here is another part of the fence that is located a bit farther down. As you can see, once again a moose and biker. As well as what I believe to be a skier.

Ok, so based on my blog title, you must assume that I am going to blog about the ridiculousness about the weather here. Well you know what, I am. I don't care if you don't like it, but I am.
So one minute the weather is all like "Yeah I give up with snow. I will give you an early spring."
Fabulous Snapchat Picture
Then my reaction, as well as my family's, is "YES! Finally! Time to try out new soccer ball." Don't know if you can tell, but this is the design for the Brazuca ball. Albeit it is in different colors. Well, that day would've been an amazing practice day for me and my brother, had the rugby team not taken the good field. However, that is a pretty cool sport, just not when it intervenes with mine. So then, about four days later, Jack Frost decides to come to town.
Photo Credits
And yes, I did just post a picture of Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. Then it snows again! Three days in a row! Including this morning! Now I'm happy that it snowed, hopefully it will prevent a drought since Colorado and the East Coast seem to have stolen our snow. But then, it warms up to about 50ยบ some degrees in the afternoon. With this dramatic change in the weather, I discovered this in my back yard.
Yellow Crocus
Normally these flowers are a sign of spring right? And yet, my mom is still going to make me go skiing tomorrow on nec bene nec male/comme ci comme ca/so-so snow. Grrrrr......

Wow, did I go overboard on the pictures? eh, nah. I would post more, but then I take it people would get fed up with all of the meese/moosen/moose. Oh wait!!! I have to post this one last one! Because instead of my town being obsessed with moose, the moose seem to be obsessed with my town/neighborhood.
Moose in Yard!!!
Yep, today two moose decided to invade a yard, the one that borders mine. In fact, as I look out my window, I can still see them camped out. Well, looks like they made themselves comfortable. So they have been out there since around 4:00 PM I want to say. Wich is awesome, yet at the same time a bummer. So of course that meant my little brother and I couldn't shoot hoops, nor could we let the dog out for fear of the moose charging us. That may not seem like a big deal to any of those who have never seen or grown up with moose, but trust me, it is terrifying!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

What to Say

Well, just beforehand, I apologize to any of you out there who are uncomfortable with the use of profanity.
Photo Credits
And this is why I love where I live! No more signs saying you will pay a 300 dollar fine or whatever, just this painted on the sidewalk. Lovely really. In all truths I was overjoyed when I saw this, and I do hope it is self-explanatory. People's expressions though, pretty fantastic.

Cause honestly, people really need to pick up after their dogs. I don't care if it's winter, or mud season and there is snow on the ground. Come spring, all that dog crap will still be there. And it is disgusting. So please use common sense, albeit common sense isn't very common these days.

So on a different note, who else had finals this week? End of the quarter was this week, well at least for me it was. Anyone else upset with teachers for unfair grades? Yeah, I hear ya. 
So at the beginning of the school year, it's an internal groan. The start of school signifies work after school, whether it be busywork or not is's still work. However, there is always the plus factor of being able to see friends once again. Then you progress into the second quarter, the real indication that you are trapped. Trapped in a world of nondescript walls, monotonous voices, tests, and more. Then comes third quarter, or the end of it. This signifies we are more than half way through the school year, unfortunately it also means CRT's, ACT's, SAT's, all of those lovely tests. Who else is excited? *please note sarcasm* But eventually they will end, as will fourth quarter, and we can once again return to our home worlds of summer. Meaning lazy days, sleeping in, travelling the world, visiting family, sports galore, chilling with friends, and so much more.

Wow, I must really be in a good mood if I wrote this much. And I still feel as if I have more to say. The real question is however, should I say it? ........Yes.......No....... Nah, come on guys that's too mainstream. The answer every time is MAYBE. Honestly, the word works in just about every situation! And truth be told, it is a steadfast way in which to annoy and avoid someone or something. It is truly a magical word.
Photo Credits

Well, those are just some perfect things to say when stumped or frustrated. Oh and please don't forget my favorite:
Well New Idea for Next Blog
Well, Bon Weekend (and yes that's French the 'end' in Weekend is pronounced like 'and' with a British accent) and thanks again for actually reading this crazy stuff!

Friday, March 14, 2014

All of the Moosen

Yes I did just say Moosen, as in Moose plural. But for any of you out there who totally disagree with that, fine. It's Meese. Why am I talking about the different forms of Moose? Well like I said in an earlier blog post ––– my town is obsessed with moose. And like I also said in a previous post, "I will try and get more pictures" well.... here's one!
Metal Moose
So above we have the almighty moose, located near my school. I frequently walk by it when going to one of my classes located in a different building.

I can't think of anything to write. I can't think of anything to write. I can't think...IDEA! Well based off of that I would just like to thank a fifth grade teacher of mine who taught me how to write that. She would say, and I quote, "If you can't think of anything to write, write I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING TO WRITE until you have an idea." So whenever we were required to do a timed writing, which was practically everyday, that was what you wrote if you had no idea. She gave you the points for it if you did too. 
Well blast from the past right there.

On a different note, well actually I'm referring back to my original subject, this is a metal moose. Yes, I know that may seem obvious, but maybe some of you didn't realize. And fun fact of the day, I actually have a friend whose dad used to make objects like this. He is a "blacksmith", forgive the archaic word, and worked with all types of metal. My friend even picked up a thing or two and she can make a few metallic structures herself. Fascinating really. Here is a picture of one of the articles she made, which she gave to me as a birthday present.

Soccer Moose

Oh and one last thing, please check out this amazing blog by a friend of mine!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Again

March already, what to do what to do. Only three more months about until school is out!
This is a tribute to my home town
So, winter is at an end...anyone else happy about that? I am, however I wish I could have gotten a few more really good ski days in. But, from the looks of the weather it's not going to be like that. Hmm, typical right? When you don't know what to discuss, weather is the subject to be on.

Well, mud season is approaching, and there is nothing to do but read, or track, or swim, and I'm stopping now. So any readers out there? If not, oh well I'm blogging about books.
So some of my favorite books that are a must read consist of all sorts of genres. From historical-fiction to fiction and science-fiction to mathematics. Yes I'm weird, I actually read stuff that is educational.

So a few must reads are:
The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls - a tale based on a true story
Harry Potter - J.K Rowling -  a classic in every sense
The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova - honestly I was not to thrilled when I was informed I had to read this for a book group. Considering the main topic happens to consist of vampires. BUT! it was about the original vampire, Vlad Dracula, and was a tale of how he had survived and is hidden among us. The book is set in the 1900s in Europe. It goes into detail about the Byzantine Empire, the original Vlad the Impaler, etc. It's kind of hard to explain, but it is truly a good read.
The Devil and Miss Prym - Paulo Coelho - A book that displays human nature at its core. Where basically the "Devil" comes into a town and tells the townsfolk they have one week to kill one of the town members, and they could receive 11 bars of pure gold. A young barmaid is first informed of this, and fights with her inner demons. To either take the gold, or stay.
Eragon - Christopher Paolini - once again another fictional classic
Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton - Yet another older classic, that raises the questions of reviving extinct creatures 

Well, there is my inner nerd! Book lover! 

Well good bye imaginary readers! Until next time!