Friday, March 21, 2014

What to Say

Well, just beforehand, I apologize to any of you out there who are uncomfortable with the use of profanity.
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And this is why I love where I live! No more signs saying you will pay a 300 dollar fine or whatever, just this painted on the sidewalk. Lovely really. In all truths I was overjoyed when I saw this, and I do hope it is self-explanatory. People's expressions though, pretty fantastic.

Cause honestly, people really need to pick up after their dogs. I don't care if it's winter, or mud season and there is snow on the ground. Come spring, all that dog crap will still be there. And it is disgusting. So please use common sense, albeit common sense isn't very common these days.

So on a different note, who else had finals this week? End of the quarter was this week, well at least for me it was. Anyone else upset with teachers for unfair grades? Yeah, I hear ya. 
So at the beginning of the school year, it's an internal groan. The start of school signifies work after school, whether it be busywork or not is's still work. However, there is always the plus factor of being able to see friends once again. Then you progress into the second quarter, the real indication that you are trapped. Trapped in a world of nondescript walls, monotonous voices, tests, and more. Then comes third quarter, or the end of it. This signifies we are more than half way through the school year, unfortunately it also means CRT's, ACT's, SAT's, all of those lovely tests. Who else is excited? *please note sarcasm* But eventually they will end, as will fourth quarter, and we can once again return to our home worlds of summer. Meaning lazy days, sleeping in, travelling the world, visiting family, sports galore, chilling with friends, and so much more.

Wow, I must really be in a good mood if I wrote this much. And I still feel as if I have more to say. The real question is however, should I say it? ........Yes.......No....... Nah, come on guys that's too mainstream. The answer every time is MAYBE. Honestly, the word works in just about every situation! And truth be told, it is a steadfast way in which to annoy and avoid someone or something. It is truly a magical word.
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Well, those are just some perfect things to say when stumped or frustrated. Oh and please don't forget my favorite:
Well New Idea for Next Blog
Well, Bon Weekend (and yes that's French the 'end' in Weekend is pronounced like 'and' with a British accent) and thanks again for actually reading this crazy stuff!

1 comment:

  1. "So please you common sense, albeit common sense isn't very common these days."Ingrid, this is likely the best quote ever/
