Thursday, September 26, 2013


This is my first post, pretty boring start right? Well I hope the rest of my blog isn't like that. What I hope to blog about is something that catches people's attention. First off many may ask why I am writing this blog, well for class honestly. However once I learned more about it, it actually started to sound like fun.
        Well that's a little bit of background history. Here's the real deal:
                             I'm going to be blogging about.......street art!

Well there are so many artists out there that will go & set up stands so people can come & have a self-portrait done. There are also people who paint themselves one certain color & pose like a statue for hours! There are also the artists that do chalk art, or play an instrument(and yes that is a form of art) Normally this is done to earn a little extra money, or fundraiser. I will be posting pictures, opinions, & maybe a fictional story to go along with the picture. As an addition I may be throwing in my own artwork as well.
      Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for more updates!

  Real quick, this is my first opinion, once more an intro. I found this picture online, don't worry not all of my posts are going to be found via internet! I chose this picture as a first entry. One, because I thought it looked amazing. Two because you actually catch the artist at work. I think that is important, because it shows you that people have a passion for this kind of thing. When an artist is in the middle of a project, nothing can disrupt them and they almost seem to have a peace with the world that is really hard to find anywhere else. They become part of the painting, and notice every detail and try to perfect it.

Another thing that calls to me about this picture is what he's drawing; a waterfall. He is giving the impression that there is a water fall right where you are walking. The impression that you could fall off at any given moment. It also gives the sense of a free spirit, at least to me. This just speaks to me in a way that makes me feel as if I'm on the peak of freedom. The waterfall is majestic, capturing beauty and relaying emotion. Freedom, serenity, majesty, and even adventure. Those are all the words that come to mind when I see this image.

There are multiple ways to view this picture, those are just a few of my views on it. To others it may just be another picture. It speaks to everyone in different ways. 
Stay tuned for further updates! Thank you!
Sorry one last important detail! People I would like to thank are:

Photo credits go to google images and

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